partenaire n° 37360

Financial Times (via 4uCampus)


ATTENTION: PUBLICATION EN ANGLAIS Give yourself a competitive edge and start reading the Financial Times and on a regular basis to broaden your knowledge and understanding of global business news, politics and finance. • Newspaper The new FT delivers a powerful combination of words, pictures and data, with easy navigation between news, comment & analysis and trends Comprehensive coverage of world news and trends, plus analysis of companies, capital markets, commodities, currencies and prices Features more than 200 special reports each year included inside your daily FT The FT Weekend delivers a summary of the week's international business news, along with intelligent coverage of travel, arts, culture and lifestyle • .com Unlimited access to Financial Times news and commentary, company financials and markets data, special reports, videos and much more Access via your desktop, mobile or tablet device We bring the news agenda to life daily with over 80 new videos per week

Informations pédagogiques

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Votre abonnement ''Financial Times'' à prix réduit

Souscrivez à un abonnement au journal Financial Times via Carte PROF/4uCampus et bénéficiez d'une remise jusqu’à 65% par rapport au prix public Identifiez-vous ci-dessous et suivez le lien. Avantage octroyé aux bénéficiaires d'une Carte PROF valide, non cessible, sans effet rétroactif, non cumulable, uniquement via le lien ci-dessous (après identification) à l'exclusion des autres canaux de vente.
